Thursday, August 23, 2007

Arkansas Food Stamps Challenge

Well.... I've been wondering and waiting for the followup stories on the 22 Arkansas legislators that played the Food Stamps Challenge Game....

Rep. Rick Green, R-Van Buren, said he agreed to participate for several reasons, including his political party affiliation.

"The first thing I noticed when I saw the list is that there were no Republicans," he said. "No matter if you're a Democrat or Republican, we all need to know the various needs of people around the state."

He said he was shocked to see that the average daily food stamp benefit is around $3.

"It is going to be a challenge to figure out how I'm going to get by on $3 a day," he said. "I don't want to be closed minded to the situations that people around are in."

Rep. Johnnie Roebuck, D-Arkadelphia, saying all Arkansans need to understand what it's like to live on food stamps and to be able to manage a family and family budget.

"There are many people in my district who have to live that way day in and day out," she said.

Along with Roebuck and Webb, other lawmakers planning to participate in the three-day hunger challenge, which begins Monday, include: House Speaker Benny Petrus, D-Stuttgart, and Reps. Pam Adcock, D-Little Rock; Fred Allen, D-Little Rock; Linda Chesterfield, D-Little Rock; David Cook, D-Williford; Monty Davenport, D-Yellville; David Dunn, D-Forrest City; Stephanie Flowers, D-Pine Bluff; Steve Harrelson, D-Texarkana; David Johnson, D-Little Rock; Janet Johnson, D-Bryant; Buddy Lovell, D-Marked Tree; Bruce Maloch, D-Magnolia, and his daughter; Tracy Pennartz, D-Fort Smith; Sandra Prater, D-Jacksonville; Lindsley Smith, D-Fayetteville; and Charlotte Wagner,, D-Manila.

State senators include Sen. Mary Anne Salmon, D-North Little Rock, and Hank Wilkins IV, D-Pine Bluff.

Three days....on only 3 dollars a day, eh? Three days, mind you... now, call me a skeptic...but can't you live three days on water alone? I mean... I just don't get these challenge games.

Living on food stamps is NOT a's a fact of life. You don't get to eat at your leisure day after day...and then just for three days ya have to pinch pennies. No...pinch every day. Day after day after day after day.

Give em their 90 bucks for a month and lets see how they do. Not a measley three days.

A month gives you a better experience...and even that is not realistic.

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