Sunday, July 8, 2007

Food Stamps... playing the game

When running for office, politicans like to come across as just another pea in a pod. We're supposed to forget that many of them are priviledged, wealthy individuals who have no clue what it's like to live in the real world.

Oh sure, they'll be quick to drag out stories about their poor parents who were born with nothing...but it's the parents who had nothing, not them. They're 'one of us' and they 'feel our pain'.

But now, they've raised the playing field. No longer is it enough to just pity the poor people... not when you can mock their way of life by playing the 'live on food stamps for a week game.'

Who came up with the idea that by spending nominal amounts for the food they buy that it somehow equates to the life of people on foodstamps. Ridiculous.

Have they cut their income down for that week as well to a qualifying income? Expenditures to not exceed that income? Gas? Transportation? Clothing?

Heck, one day's suit cost more than the monthly alloted income allowance for those on food stamps. And their transportation.... oh my.

One week is scarcely enough time for the body to experience the effects of the lack of proper nutrition. can live a few days without WATER... let alone food.

One week of meager food allotments is nothing. Try one year...

Then let's talk.

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