Thursday, August 23, 2007

Food stamps fraud....

After running through that mental checklist of just what 3 bucks a day can buy.... can't help but be disgusted by the rampant fraud in the food stamps system.

It's a JOKE!

Stand at your local Kroger's...Safeway...whatever grocery'll see it.

The people NEEDING food stamps have the ramen, bread and hot dogs.

The people abusing food stamps have steaks, sodas and candies. It's a joke.

Food stamps should not be the means to host a slammin' neighborhood barbeque.


d.liedtke said...

my neighbor that lives across the street his family gets up ward of $800.00 worth of food stamps a week and he trades or sells the food for gas money and money to play video games

daydreamer87 said...

My domestic partner and I recieved custody of his daughter recently. I found out my partners ex wife is still recieving the child support in addition to the food stamps for her. I find it unfair as the exwife has no need for the child support or the food stamps as we have custody of her daughter. How do I go about reporting this? I find it very unfair as my partner and I have a child together but do not recieve any government assitance, so why should she? Can somebody help me please?

Anonymous said...

my husbands ex wife draws food stamps on four of her children. one lives with us, one lives with another sibling and another lives with her boyfriends parents. She gets 697.00 a month, lives with my husbands uncle, who brings in 800.00 a week from work. Tell me how this is fair. I have reported this numerous times and no one seems to want to take the time to check into it. The kids lie for her, but the boy who lives with us is willing to tell the truth,if they will only ASK!!!

deborah said...

well it wrong.

deborah said...

let me tell you what happen . i took a 18 year old girl in my house to help her. she applied for stamps got them. thought it was wonderfull. she was not here the day she got her card she went to her boyfriends house. called her told her it was here gave her the numbers of card so she could get it activated.she did. i not seen her for a few days then she called asked if i would take the card and go shopeing. for her. i said sure give me a list. she gave me her pin and a list went for her. i left the bags in her room. she came home told me she was moveing. i said ok hun. her and her boyfriend removed all her stuff from the room. 3 days later the cops called me told me she filed a police report saying her stamps was stolden. i told the officer that was not true and told him the story and showed him the reciet.i would never dream that that child would do that to me never i guess i was now i have got to go to states attorney office. the child said it was stold to try to get more stamps on her card. what a lie.any suggestions???

pregymeele said...

I reapplied on Jan 5-09 > My husband is still getting all the food stamps what do i do now

pregymeele said...

karenkohberg I reapplied for food stamps on Jan 5-09 still my husband gets all of them what do i do now

my lovely irish family said...

awesome congratulations on passing judgement.
maybe they are doing what i do, helping friends who are to proud to admit they are hungry and poor and sharing what little they have-
and maybe for a ride to a job interview cooking lunch for a friend who doesnt have any money or a job either.
hope the economy finds you as well as when you wrote this.
I personally do buy high end groceries and mostly organic, and sad that un,odified organic real food is considered "high end" or actual real meat is a luxury- because if i have to take help from the government- that i pay taxes to then i want to support farms and organic companies.

jessie said...

My thing that upsets me the most is people who lie to the food stamp office espicailly when the person has [50 grand] and does not report it,also says her husband does not live with her but he does. it just not right. they rented a camper went to New York,people like her needs to be busted.because all she is doing is hurting the people who really need food stamps.She Lives In Broward County.Name Janie Lenker.Her Husband makes good money also.